Improvement Projects
Construction and Maintenance
Metrolink construction and maintenance crews are constantly working throughout the entire Southern California system expanding capacity, upgrading systems and maintaining existing infrastructure to help provide the highest quality of safety and service to our passengers. This work also helps to ensure a safe and smooth flow of freight rail traffic throughout our region. Here are examples of the type of work we do to maintain our rail system.
Sign up HERE to receive construction/maintenance notices by email.
Rail Modernization @Union Station Project Updates
An important rehabilitation and modernization project at Los Angeles Union Station to replace railroad tracks, switches, platform construction and upgrading the signal system is underway.
For project updates please see this notice: English/Spanish
Mount Vernon Avenue Bridge Project (MVAB)
The City of San Bernardino (City) and the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) have partnered with the San Bernardino County Transportation Authority (SBCTA) to rebuild the Mount Vernon Avenue Bridge (MVAB) near the Metrolink railroad tracks and Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) intermodal yard beginning in December 2020. The bridge will be disassembled and completely rebuilt – a process that will span approximately three years. Reconstruction of the new bridge will begin in 2022 and the new structure is anticipated to open in 2024.
For questions about this project and current construction alerts for MVAB go to, call (877) 55-SBCTA, or email [email protected].
New Vista Canyon Metrolink Station
January 4, 2021 - January 2023
In partnership with LA Metro and Metrolink, the City of Santa Clarita is constructing a new Metrolink Station for travelers and commuters – the fourth in Santa Clarita. The new station will be located within the Vista Canyon development, along the 14 Freeway, and will be part of the larger Vista Canyon Multi-Modal Center. The Metrolink Station at the Vista Canyon development is also set to become part of Metrolink’s Antelope Valley Line, which runs between the Lancaster and Los Angeles Union Stations, once complete.
To learn more about the Metrolink Station, please visit
For more information about the Vista Canyon project, please visit
Foothill Gold Line Light Rail construction project near Metrolink’s Pomona North Station - Ongoing
Construction activities near the Fulton Rd. crossing continue on the Thompson Creek Bridge. Crews have begun the Thompson Creek Channel modifications for the new light rail track and will start work on the new retaining wall for the Pomona Metrolink Station. This work requires a full closure of Fulton Rd. at the crossing for up to 45 days, including the temporary closure of the Metrolink Station parking entrance on Fulton Rd. during these activities.
Full road closure at Fulton Rd. railroad crossing, Sept. 6 - Oct. 21
For detailed information, please see this notice: English/Spanish
Metrolink’s Pomona North Station Parking lot: There will be occasional closures at the Fulton Rd. parking entrance. When the closure is in place, work crews will assist with traffic control in and out of the parking lot. Crews will begin the construction of the Pomona Gold Line Station and light rail track installation. Starting on January 31, 2022 crews will be closing additional parking areas/spaces currently available to Metrolink riders to make room for the new construction. This phase of construction will last roughly one year. A minimum of 100 parking spaces, closest to the train platform, will remain available, including all of the existing 14 accessible parking spaces. Please be aware of construction signage and barricades throughout the parking lot separating the available parking spaces from the on-going construction activities.
To learn more about the Foothill Gold Line project or sign up for Construction Alerts, please visit:
For Construction Questions, please call or text: (626) 513-5788 or email: [email protected]
Contact information
For more information, please contact the Metrolink Community Relations Office below:
Email: [email protected]/ 24/7
Public Affairs Manager: Laurene Lopez / Email:[email protected] / Phone: (213) 452-0433