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Unsolicited Proposals

An Unsolicited Proposal is a written proposal that is submitted to the Authority on the initiative of the
submitter for the purpose of developing a partnership that is not in response to a formal or informal
request issued by the Authority. You may download the full procedure here.

An Unsolicited Proposal and Initial Review Form must be submitted to Metrolink’s Contracts, Procurement, and Materials Management Division (CPMM). CPMM will log the proposal packet, assign it a number, and review the proposal to ensure that it is not:

  • An offer responding to the Authority’s previously published expression of need or request for proposals (this does not apply to Reverse Pitch Forums);
  • An advance proposal that the Authority could acquire through competitive methods (submitted within the budget year before release of a published request for proposal); or
  • A replacement for an existing contract that is already in effect; or
  • An opportunity to stipulate the means and methods of an existing contractual relationship.

If the proposal meets the criteria noted above, within 3 business days CPMM will forward the proposal to the Office of the CEO who will then conduct an Initial Review. The Initial Review will determine whether the proposal contains enough information and detail to permit a Phase 1 – Initial Evaluation.

The Initial Review will occur within 30 days of receiving the proposal. The CEO’s approval is required to advance to the next step.

If it is determined that the proposal contains enough information and detail to permit a Phase 1 – Initial Evaluation, the Office of the CEO will organize a team of agency stakeholders and subject matter experts to evaluate the proposal. Metrolink shall consider the following factors, in addition to any other deemed appropriate for evaluating the proposal: 

  1. Direct or anticipated benefits to Metrolink, our riders, and the region
  2. Unique, innovative, or meritorious methods, approaches, or ideas that have originated with assembled together by the proposer
  3. Overall merits of the proposed project
  4. Capabilities related to experience, facilities, or techniques or unique combinations thereof that the proposer possesses and offers, and which are integral factors for achieving the objectives of the proposal
  5. Financial benefit or cost to Metrolink, and level of capital contributions and risk assumption by the proposer
  6. Timing considerations

The Office of the CEO will prepare a summary of the evaluation results, including a recommendation for further action.  The possible outcomes may be:

  • Advance to Phase 2 - Request for Detailed Proposal  
  • Discontinue the process

It is anticipated that the Phase 1 Evaluation will take no longer than 30 days to complete. The CEO’s approval is required to advance to Phase 2 – Request for Detailed Proposal. 

With the CEO’s approval, CPMM may issue a Request for Detailed Proposal. The Detailed Proposal must be in writing and sufficiently detailed for Metrolink to further determine the utility or benefit to the agency. At a minimum, the proposal must include:

  • Title, abstract of the proposed effort, and the date of submission
  • Proposer’s name, address, and business description
  • The objectives of the effort or activity, the method of approach, the extent of the effort to be employed, the nature and extent of the anticipated results, and how the proposal will support accomplishing Metrolink’s mission
  • Names of other parties who are participating in the proposal, including partners, joint-venture partners, subcontractors
  • Brief description of the organization and previous experience in the field
  • Names and biographical information of key personnel assigned to the proposed project
  • Identification of proprietary data
  • Proposed price or total estimated cost for the effort in enough detail for meaningful evaluation
  • Period for which the proposal is valid (180 days is recommended)
  • Proposed duration of the effort
  • Name, phone number, and email address for technical or business personnel to be contacted for further information
  • Statement, if applicable, concerning potential or actual organizational conflicts of interest

The Request for Detailed Proposal must be submitted to CPMM who will log the proposal and assign it a number. The Request for Detailed Proposal will then be transferred to the Office of the CEO. The Office of the CEO will assemble an evaluation team to review and evaluate the proposal. The evaluation team will include technical and financial subject matter experts related to the Detailed Proposal. Other factors that the evaluation team may consider are:

  • Unique, innovative, or meritorious methods, approaches, or ideas that have originated with or assembled together by the offeror that are contained in the Proposal
  • Direct or anticipated benefits to Metrolink, it’s passengers, and the region
  • Relevance to Metrolink’s mission and values
  • Overall scientific technical, socioeconomic or other merits of the Unsolicited Proposal
  • Proposer’s capabilities, related experience, facilities, techniques, or unique combinations of these which are integral factors for achieving the unsolicited proposal’s objectives
  • Qualifications, capabilities, and experience of the proposed key personnel or team leader(s) who are critical in achieving the unsolicited proposal’s objectives
  • Financial benefit or cost to Metrolink, and level of capital contributions and risk assumption by the proposer
  • Other factors appropriate for the proposal

Metrolink reserves the right to request supplemental information to include inviting the proposer to present their concept to the evaluation team, and answer questions of the evaluation team. 

The Phase 2: Request for Detailed Proposal Review will take no longer than 60 days to complete. The CPMM Division will notify the proposer of Metrolink’s decision and a general explanation of the reasons for the decision. The CEO’s approval is required to advance recommendations related to implementation.   

Metrolink may at any time choose not to proceed further with an unsolicited proposal. 




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